1 Imports System.Data.SqlClient
2 Imports Excel = Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel
3 Public Class frmAdvanceEntryReport
4     Sub fillStaff()
5         Try
6             Dim CN As New SqlConnection(cs)
7             CN.Open()
8             adp = New SqlDataAdapter()
9             adp.SelectCommand = New SqlCommand(
"SELECT distinct RTRIM(StaffName) FROM Staff,AdvanceEntry where Staff.St_ID=AdvanceEntry.StaffID", CN)
10             ds = New DataSet(
11             adp.Fill(ds)
12             dtable = ds.Tables(
13             cmbStaffName.Items.Clear()
14             For Each drow As DataRow In dtable.Rows
15                 cmbStaffName.Items.Add(drow(
16             Next
18         Catch ex As Exception
19             MessageBox.Show(ex.Message,
"Error", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error)
20         End Try
21     End Sub
23     Private Sub frmLogs_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load
24         fillStaff()
25     End Sub
26     Sub Reset()
27         cmbStaffName.SelectedIndex = -
28         DateTimePicker1.Text = Now
29         DateTimePicker2.Text = Today
30         dtpDateFrom.Text = Today
31         dtpDateTo.Text = Now
32         fillStaff()
33     End Sub
34     Private Sub btnReset_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnReset.Click
35         Reset()
36     End Sub
39     Private Sub btnClose_Click_1(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnClose.Click
40         Me.Close()
41     End Sub
43     Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click
44         Try
45             If Len(Trim(cmbStaffName.Text)) =
0 Then
46                 MessageBox.Show(
"Please select Staff name", "", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Warning)
47                 cmbStaffName.Focus()
48                 Exit Sub
49             End If
50             Cursor = Cursors.WaitCursor
51             Timer1.Enabled = True
52             Dim rpt As New rptAdvanceEntry
'The report you created.
53             Dim myConnection As SqlConnection
54             Dim MyCommand As New SqlCommand()
55             Dim myDA As New SqlDataAdapter()
56             Dim myDS As New DataSet
'The DataSet you created.
57             myConnection = New SqlConnection(cs)
58             MyCommand.Connection = myConnection
59             MyCommand.CommandText =
"SELECT AdvanceEntry.Id, AdvanceEntry.StaffID, AdvanceEntry.Amount, AdvanceEntry.Deduction, AdvanceEntry.WorkingDate, Staff.St_ID, Staff.StaffID AS Expr1, Staff.StaffName, Staff.DateOfJoining, Staff.Gender,Staff.FatherName, Staff.TemporaryAddress, Staff.PermanentAddress, Staff.Designation, Staff.Qualifications, Staff.DOB, Staff.PhoneNo, Staff.MobileNo, Staff.Email, Staff.Photo, Staff.ClassType, Staff.SchoolID,Staff.AccountName, Staff.AccountNumber, Staff.Bank, Staff.Branch, Staff.IFSCcode, Staff.Status, Staff.Salary FROM AdvanceEntry INNER JOIN Staff ON AdvanceEntry.StaffID = Staff.St_ID where WorkingDate between @d1 and @d2 and StaffName=@d3 and Amount > 0 order by WorkingDate"
60             MyCommand.Parameters.Add(
"@d1", SqlDbType.DateTime, 30, "DateIN").Value = dtpDateFrom.Value.Date
61             MyCommand.Parameters.Add(
"@d2", SqlDbType.DateTime, 30, "DateIN").Value = dtpDateTo.Value
62             MyCommand.Parameters.Add(
"@d3", SqlDbType.NChar, 200, "Name").Value = cmbStaffName.Text
63             MyCommand.CommandType = CommandType.Text
64             myDA.SelectCommand = MyCommand
65             myDA.Fill(myDS,
66             myDA.Fill(myDS,
67             rpt.SetDataSource(myDS)
68             rpt.SetParameterValue(
"v1", dtpDateFrom.Value.Date)
69             rpt.SetParameterValue(
"v2", dtpDateTo.Value.Date)
70             frmReport.CrystalReportViewer1.ReportSource = rpt
71             frmReport.ShowDialog()
72         Catch ex As Exception
73             MessageBox.Show(ex.Message,
"Error", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error)
74         End Try
75     End Sub
77     Private Sub Button2_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button2.Click
78         Try
79             Cursor = Cursors.WaitCursor
80             Timer1.Enabled = True
81             Dim rpt As New rptAdvanceEntry
'The report you created.
82             Dim myConnection As SqlConnection
83             Dim MyCommand As New SqlCommand()
84             Dim myDA As New SqlDataAdapter()
85             Dim myDS As New DataSet
'The DataSet you created.
86             myConnection = New SqlConnection(cs)
87             MyCommand.Connection = myConnection
88             MyCommand.CommandText =
"SELECT AdvanceEntry.Id, AdvanceEntry.StaffID, AdvanceEntry.Amount, AdvanceEntry.Deduction, AdvanceEntry.WorkingDate, Staff.St_ID, Staff.StaffID AS Expr1, Staff.StaffName, Staff.DateOfJoining, Staff.Gender,Staff.FatherName, Staff.TemporaryAddress, Staff.PermanentAddress, Staff.Designation, Staff.Qualifications, Staff.DOB, Staff.PhoneNo, Staff.MobileNo, Staff.Email, Staff.Photo, Staff.ClassType, Staff.SchoolID,Staff.AccountName, Staff.AccountNumber, Staff.Bank, Staff.Branch, Staff.IFSCcode, Staff.Status, Staff.Salary FROM AdvanceEntry INNER JOIN Staff ON AdvanceEntry.StaffID = Staff.St_ID where WorkingDate between @d1 and @d2 and Amount > 0 order by WorkingDate"
89             MyCommand.Parameters.Add(
"@d1", SqlDbType.DateTime, 30, "DateIN").Value = DateTimePicker2.Value.Date
90             MyCommand.Parameters.Add(
"@d2", SqlDbType.DateTime, 30, "DateIN").Value = DateTimePicker1.Value
91             MyCommand.CommandType = CommandType.Text
92             myDA.SelectCommand = MyCommand
93             myDA.Fill(myDS,
94             myDA.Fill(myDS,
95             rpt.SetDataSource(myDS)
96             rpt.SetParameterValue(
"v1", DateTimePicker2.Value.Date)
97             rpt.SetParameterValue(
"v2", DateTimePicker1.Value.Date)
98             frmReport.CrystalReportViewer1.ReportSource = rpt
99             frmReport.ShowDialog()
100         Catch ex As Exception
101             MessageBox.Show(ex.Message,
"Error", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error)
102         End Try
103     End Sub
105     Private Sub Timer1_Tick(sender As System.Object, e As System.EventArgs) Handles Timer1.Tick
106         Cursor = Cursors.Default
107         Timer1.Enabled = False
108     End Sub
109 End Class

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